Participations and Completed Projects
AtlasRPPS ↗ - ASP.NET system for managing investments and documents of Social Security Institutes; relational database; report and file generation.
Personal Projects and Studies
FilmesAPI ↗ - .NET RESTful Web API for registering movies, cinemas, and sessions using MySQL database and Entity Framework Core.
StudyApp ↗ - Django (Python) web application for creating study cards and challenges with performance reports by category.
Book Reviews API ↗ - Node RESTFull API with mongoDB database for creating and persisting reviews about books previously registered on the system.
Kube-News ↗ - Node application with a Postgre database used as a base for creating Docker containers for local execution without installing dependencies in the environment.
Dólar Comercial Histórico ↗ - ASP.NET application to consume Brazilian Central Bank API and show dollar/real exchange rate for a selected date.
Freelancers ↗ - Ruby on Rails application for hiring programming professionals, where you can navigate as a contractor or professional.
Jumpin Game ↗ - Javascript game to jump obstacles with a mouse click, with point counting and increasing difficulty.
© Mauro Imamura.